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从9月. 15日至10月. 15 威尼斯电玩城手游庆祝西班牙传统月. 这个月庆祝这种文化, history and accomplishments of Latinx and Hispanic people and their ancestors. The term Hispanic or Latinx refers to an individual's culture of origin – regardless of their race and includes Mexican, 波多黎各, 古巴, 中美洲/南美洲或其他拉丁和西班牙血统.

庆祝西班牙传统月, 托马斯·洛佩兹, 威尼斯电玩城手游团队中一位了不起的成员分享了他的故事.



在吨标煤, 我是人才招聘经理, which includes managing the hiring activities across the organization. I love my job because I think of my team as the ‘welcoming committee’ at TCE – we get to be the first impression that new employees have of our amazing organization. Outside of work, I am married to my husband Spencer and I am a dad to my two daughters.

I also keep busy teaching part-time at the University of Houston-Downtown, running my own production company and serving as a board member of the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce.


Hispanic Heritage Month is important to me because it is a celebration of culture and the richness and diversity within our community. There is so much to celebrate including different foods, music, dance and traditions. 最近, we had my mom and grandma over and we all danced a cumbia while music from Selena was playing. It was fun to pass along to my girls what my mom and grandma gave to me – the gift of dance, 威尼斯电玩城手游文化中的乐趣和自豪感!

Folks often ask how to support Hispanic and Latinx communities — I encourage everyone to try to learn something you may not have known. 和社区里的朋友喝杯咖啡, 读一本书, 看纪录片或听播客. 当然, 作为一个小企业主, I’d encourage you to support a local Hispanic or Latinx-owned business.


Representation is important to me because as someone who did not always see myself reflected in media or in people I looked up to growing up, I know the impact it can have to see a role model in your community that you can relate to.

我告诉我的孩子们,‘威尼斯电玩城手游每天都看到榜样——所以要做好人.’ Embracing my authentic self as a professional and in my personal life can be an example to others that they are represented and can aspire to whatever they choose to be

